1/2 ground beef
1 can (16 ounce) chopped tomato
1 can (16 ounce) tomato paste
1 can (10 ounce) tomato soup
1/4 cup chopped pickled olive
1/3 cup minced onion
2 clove minced garlic
1/2 cup chopped celary
1/2 cup grated carrot
1 leaf bay leaf
--- seasoning ---
1 1/2 teaspoon Italian spices seasoning
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1. Stir ground beef with little olive oil for just medium. Tranfer to a large bowl. Set aside.
2. Use the same pan, add more olive oil. Stir onion , celary , carrot and garlic.
3. When the onion has tendered, add pickled olive and chopped tomato.
4. Bring stired ground beef back to the pan and combine everything well.
5. Pour tomato paste and tamato soup. Let them boiled, then reduce heat and simmer.
6. Put bay leaf and seasoning. About 10 minutes after that , pick the bay leaf out.
7. Simmer the sauce about 45 - 60 minutes and always stirring constantly.
8. Pour hot sauce into sterilized jars. Water-bath process for 10 minutes.
9. Can keep chill in refrigerator about 1 month.
- Warming with microwave and pour over boiled spaghetti. Spinkle with parmesan cheese and chopped fresh pasley.